
Trail is open!

After months of waiting, Kent Ridge Mountain bike trail is ‘unofficially’ open for riding.

DO take care riding the trail for now, we haven’t had the time to walk through after the big rainy season to check for dangers.

We do not suggest riding the Northshore playground for now, as we do have some unnailed sections around.

meanwhile have fun, keep to the trail and ride safe.

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trail repairs

The Saturday is spent more on repair, riding the trail ourselves to make sure it works, mark out danger points, determine evacuation points, brief the medical, marshal team and photographers on the trail.

Nik and PLing do their rounds on the safety, while Max guide the medics, the photographer and the marshal through the whole course.

Me and RenHao took the chance to fix 2 patches, the ‘Japanese Rock garden landing’, the ‘yellow slide’ after the roadie’s ramp.

We gathered after lunch again to refill granite chips onto the Snake Slope. Before taking our chance to ride around the trail rounds after rounds, to determine all is right.

At 5pm, we start our first bike clinic. Samuel rode down after some rest from his morning trainings, and we ran the clinic for around 1.5hrs. We are certainly happy to see the clinic participants learning something new in the process.

8 manhours – odd and end fix

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Trail Ride Jamboree

As part of the trail building effort, some 60 riders were gathered in a mini-jamboree.

Quote by Nik (extracted) :

To all participants of the KR Jamboree today: Thanks! Really great to see such a large turnout! As a result of today’s ride, we were able to achieve a few objectives:

1. Got great feedback from all u guys on areas of improvement

2. With 50 riders going through the trail, we have also identified potential erosion hotspots

3. With the number of endos , we now know wehre the danger zones are and where to station medics for better access during racedays

4. Got a core group of supporters signing up to kick start a trail building & maintenance group (yes you guys are gonna be called trail smurfs)

5. With all of you hiking the trail the first lap, we managed to bed down some of the gravelly parts (you think the hike was just to look see? 😉 )


The following persons were instrumental in the creation of this trail :-

* Alvin Francis Lok, NParks Manager, Kent Ridge Park
* Liyana Zolpakar, NParks
* Max Mager, SACA General Manager
* Lim HuiMin, SACA Coach

with the assistance of :-
* Chew Eng Seng, SACA Mountainbike Cyclist
* Ang Kee Ming, SACA Road Cyclist
* Justin Cheong, SACA Road Cyclist
* Yap Chiwei, Wheelsareturning
* Lee Chuen Ling, SACA MTB Subcommittee
* Renhao, SACA MTB Subcommittee
* All the banglas who toiled daily under the supervision of NParks and SACA


* Pling – registration/CP5 ic
* Ling – bike test/CP 1 ic
* Rebecca – bike test ic
* HuiMin – medic/CP2 ic
* RenHao – CP3 ic
* Chi – CP4 ic
* Jaymes – safety/CP6
* Samuel – Hike/Ride leader
* Chew – Hike/Ride leader
* Mann – Hike/Ride leader
* Max – PR
* Jolie – Crowd control
* Boey – Crowd control

The Kent Ridge Mountain Bike trail is now unofficially open! “

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Pre-jamboree Preparation

It’s 24hrs before the Kent Ridge trail 1st jamboree ride.

the available work force for the morning session is enough to get some of the cengai/bakau ladder build up and transported to problem area. While the rest do some shopping to get some new material in so to make the ride safer.

With a road ride in the morning, I pop by just after lunch. Just in time for trail work/jamboree briefing.

jamboree roles are clarified and discussed, so are the schedule.

With some work still needed to be done, work group is form and various task spread out for completion.

PLeng and Chi to put up trail signages, which Alano being the only one who haven’t venture into the trail, ride just behind them to check on the signage placement, to give us as much first-timer feedback.

Alvin and Liyana from Nparks try to flatten and pound in the granite chips at the main climb, while superwising the labour force to pound and spread the granite chips.

Max, Ling and Ren Hao, ride/walk the trail with patch up tools and danger markers to make sure the trail is safe for the event.

Jaymes, from SportingSpectrum, Nik and me took the task to net up the staircase ride, so to capture any stray cyclist going right into the 2ft drop at the left side of the trail.

upon completion of the task, we took the time to pour some granite chips over troubled area, and to take advantage of 60+ cyclist, who average 2 laps each and 1 lap of walking the trail to stomp down whatever loose pebbles. This long walk took us 2hrs, and we are suprise how dehydrated we are, not mentioning how hungry i grew.

work hours done

approx 40 manhour clocked on various task for the day.

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race circuit length

Chun and Sam both paid us a visit today at the trail.

We took the chance to measure the trail, take gradient readings by riding the race circuit in full. With these 2 engines pushing, I must say the murderous pace that I went through is simply some orientation ride for them.

circuit distance is 3.6km, with around 50% on road. starting off from the parade square, riding towards the pond and then up the crazy slopes after a going through the trail.

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