post rain evaluation
With my walking buddy, we took a stroll along the trail to check for water catchment, flows and for any items to be fix.
The first part of the trail is now lined up with concrete lining. These will be painted brown later on.

Most of the rhythm section is pretty dry and the upslopes are holding up the wear and tear well.
Snake slope needed one more drain at the middle to get the mid slope water off to the side naturally.

The ‘japanese rock garden landing’ will need a new extra drainage, as the current water flow show obvious exit points
The ‘log slope 1’ took me by surprise. I can see rain water flowing out from the drains that we made. perfect fix!
The small drop towards the river path will probably need a fix on the landing. Deep marks are carved out of the messy mud now.

Bridge 2 itself is a triple flow. With the main drain flowing and 2 minor stream flowing nicely beside the drain itself. It’s good to have the ‘bridge 2’ or ‘narrow bridge’ long. covering all 3 flows.
the long mud slope after the roadie’s ramp will probably need immediate attention
caving in and erosion is happening.

and the stairs ride is in fact part of the rain flow, minor problem as we are riding on top of a solid rock surface instead of mud.
U-turn dropoff with a bad landing. Will take a while before we can fix it nicely.
A wooden berm is planned, but lacking big rocks we are unable to elevate the berm securely.

another immediate fix before it get worst.
some stuff for project MB200

I am glad the trail is holding well after a pretty rainy week.
SO where’s our volunteers? This trail needed manpower, if you are willing and curious on how we build certain stuff, drop us a mail, join us in getting a fresh trail out.
someone commented : “A trail built by bikers for the bikers “
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